Good album cover.
1. "Rape". Brutal way to start the album. Chaotic screams signal a shift in the drone. The drum beat is a slow, repetitive crash. Guitars mess with feedback throughout. There's no sense of urgency with the pace, but that doesn't matter. The doom/sludge label seems accurate for Indian. The vocals portray a sense of hopelessness.
2. "The Impetus Bleeds". Slowly. And painfully. Since I'm an idiot, I had to look up what impetus meant. Apparently it's the force that causes something to move. It also might be a Portuguese underwear company. Either way, it is not something that should bleed. If it does start bleeding, expect a gradual death. Although the guitars provide a sense of melody in this one. So expect a slow death, with a hint of melody. Unlike "Rape".
3. "Directional". I imagine that the direction will ultimately be down. But in the beginning of this track there is some swirling sounds going on that seem to knock you around in different directions.
4. "Rhetoric of No". This track seems more urgent. Pace is picked up. Halfway through the tempo is brought back, as the quicksand seems to capture you again. The more you fight, the deeper you sink, so it makes sense to just do nothing and deal with it. It's probable that no one is coming to help you though. A guitar solo tries, but that gets sucked back in as well.
5. "Clarify". More experimentation with feedback. Indian so far represents the exact opposite of clarity, which makes clarification difficult. Lots of stray noises in this one.
6. "Disambiguation". We reached the end somehow. This one starts off in the opposite way of "Rape". Less in your face, and more musical. It does seem like a crescendo is trying to form. But it seems like it will never be allowed to make an appearance. More stuff getting sucked deep into the pit. There is likely to be a substantial rot occurring in the Indian pit. Blast beats emerge sporadically near the end of the track. Followed by pure evil. This song hints at what there could have been, but also reminding you that you will never have it.
Solid album. I wish there was more to it.
Grade: 4 out of 5 decapitated goats.
Top Tracks:
1. The Impetus Bleeds
2. Rape
3. Rhetoric of No