Monday, April 21, 2014

Lantlôs ".Neon"

Today's album is Lantlôs' .Neon. It was a random Spotify selection, so I have no idea what to expect.  Internet searches call it post-black metal, but I'm not entirely sure what that means. German wiki helps a little, "Lantlôs is a deitsche Black Metal und Post-Rock Gruppn".

1. "Minusmensch". Subtle intro. Indie-rock Joan of Arc-ish style music. That changes abruptly when the vocals start. Intense, screaming vocals over melodic guitars. Joan of Arc set on fire? Similar to Deafheaven, but darker. The music simmers down as it broadcasts fuzzy radio that erupts back into the metal. This song is cool. I think I'll call it art metal.

2. "These Nights Were Ours". Another quiet intro. Broken up by thrash. Guitars hammering away at octaves, drums doing what it can to keep up. Urgent vocals that fade out as the song builds. A breakdown brings the vocals back.

3. "Pulse/Surreal". Uh-oh, singing on this one. The first two tracks allow for a little interlude, but hopefully it doesn't last the whole track. At two minutes, order is restored as the screams continue. At 4:06, the screams explode. This ends up being a solid song, despite the nervous moments at the beginning. Lantlôs gets the benefit of the doubt from here on out.

4. "Neige De Mars". More melodic octaves. Stops immediately two minutes in, only to break out into another scream.

5. "Coma". More of the same.

6. "Neon". Seems like a regular instrumental track, until it reaches the halfway point, when it slows down so a recording of a lady talking can start to play. I'm not sure what she is saying.

This album is pretty great, although it could have benefited from a little variety. The album kind of blends into one big song. Still, it's worth a listen.

Grade: 4 out of 5 decapitated goats

Top Tracks: 

1. Minusmensch
2. These Nights Were Ours
3. Pulse/Surreal

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