Monday, May 5, 2014

Gaza "I Don't Care Where I go When I Die"

Today's album is Gaza's I Don't Care Where I go When I Die.

1. "Calf". Guitars chaotically chop back and forth through a couple different chords. Deep screams. Lots of change ups. Vocal attacks from all angles. In news not related to this album, I sliced a part of my thumb open with a rusty hand saw. It was an accident.

2. "I Don't Care Where I Go When I Die". A lady seductively says "I Don't Care Where I Go When I Die." This triggers insanity. Lots of screaming that sounds like crying. Whoever is crying may not care where they go when they die, but they do currently disagree with whatever is happening at this moment.

3. "Hospital Fat Bags". Weird song title. A ton of energy on this one. I wonder if this band is able to play for more than 20 minutes live. Naming your band Gaza makes it difficult to search for your website. Although I guess it's not that difficult if you add "(band)". This song slows way down halfway through, so I guess they didn't even have the energy to complete the song at the same pace. I guess the change of pace makes a live show more possible. Although wikipedia says they broke up last year, so I guess you won't have to worry about how good they are live.

4. "Gristle". The pace is back. Gaza is kind of great. The fact that they are from Utah makes it that much better.

5. "Sire". Things are turned upside down again, and this time you are thrown completely into a horror movie. Evil is chasing you from all angles. There really is nothing you can do. Halfway through it is apparent you are caught, and the torture begins.

6. "Slutmaker". Ah, the ol' slutmaker. Man, this song starts off back in your face. "Sire" ended with a mellow patch, but Gaza is real fired up about something on "Slutmaker". STOP MAKING SLUTS!

7. "Hell Crown". Gaza sounds a little bit like Everytime I Die. I think I like Gaza better. I think part of this song was sung through an electrolarynx. The end of the song has these cool guitar scale sounding thing that accompanies vocals that get deeper after each scale is played. It's pretty cool.

8. "Moth". Gaza is freaking out because they saw a moth? Gaza does not like slutmakers or moths.

9. "Cult". More of the same. Seizures.

10. "Pork Finder". Wikipedia says: The band formed in Salt Lake City intending to be an indie band but, according to then-bassist Jon Parkin, that "lasted about half a practice".  This is a good thing.

This album is chaos. 

Grade: 5 out of 5 decapitated goats.

Top Tracks: 

1. Calf
2. Hell Crown
3. Sire

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