Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Windhand "Windhand"

Today's album is a self-titled one from Windhand.

1. "Black Candles". The song starts with the sound of bugs, thunder, and someone walking. Kind of a stomp walk, like it's tracking something, but also wants that something to know it is tracking it. Doom sludge takes over, with doomy stoner vocals kicking up shortly after. Stoner guitar solo.

2. "Libusen". More rain and thunder starts this one. I wonder if this is a live recording. Deep in the woods on a rainy day. Another sludge of a song. I don't know what Libusen means, so I googled it. Besides the song, a Wikipedia entry for Libuše  came up. While it is likely that Libuše  has nothing to do with Libusen, it's still interesting enough to read. Apparently she established Prague in the 8th century. Her mother may have been an elf.

3. "Heap Wolves". It's raining even harder in the beginning of this song. Not a great day for Windhand. I'm not sure what a heap wolf is, but this image comes up on a google image search.

4. "Summon the Moon". No thunderstorms to kick this one off. Instead there is laughing. What's so funny, Windhand? There is nothing funny when you summon the moon. The lyric of "Heaven is on its way" is sung over and over before breaking into a guitar solo. This is a solid song.

5. "Winter Sun". This song starts with the howl of wind. I wonder if they will provide a conclusion to the little story that has started each song. Will we ever find out who that was walking on "Black Candles"? Was it Heap Wolves? The elf mother of Libuše? I don't think we are meant to find out. This track ends with more brutal vocals that appeared on the rest of the album, so I'm sure we might not want to know. If this is the Heaven that was predicted to be coming on "Summon the Moon", Heaven is not at all like you expected it to be.

Solid doom album. Not spectacular, but you could do a lot worse.

Grade: 3 out of 5 decapitated goats.

Top Tracks: 

1. Summon the Moon
2. Winter Sun
3. Black Candles

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