Today's album is Dark Funeral's Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus. It is an excellent thrash metal album. It reminds me of Skeletonwitch. This is a good thing.
1. The first track is called "The End of Human Race". It is the only song that you will be able to listen to, since I don't think you can rock Spotify when you are dead. Maybe you can if you pay for Premium. The band could have waited until the last track to eliminate humanity, but it has decided to get things started right away. If you are forced to pick the soundtrack of your own destruction, you could do a lot worse.
Spotify has decided to place a Subaru ad in between the first and second track. I like Subarus. All-wheel drive is appealing. Someone should let Spotify/Subaru know that humans no longer exist. A little late to get into the hybrid game, Subaru. Advertising rates are probably cheap when the world has ended.
If you have Premium, read on.
2. After the commercial ends, the onslaught continues with "The Birth of The Vampiir". This is my favorite song on the album. I've only listened to it a couple of times, so I'm not sure of all of the lyrics, but I'm pretty sure that the vampiir referenced in the song title provides some guest vocals. He is clearly not happy. Can evil exist and flourish in a humanless world? Of the lyrics I made out, I hear a mention of eternal slaves, so I guess Dark Funeral believes the answer is yes. You thought it could only go uphill once the human race ended? You thought wrong.
3. "Stigmata" is up next. It starts with a guttural "STIG-MAT-A" (x4). Blast beats. A guitar string is bent, which signals for the attack to start. The attack is swift and strong. And painful. Good tune. It ends with some more "stigmata" chanting. Full circle. Let's move on!
4. "My Funeral". Starts with about 20 seconds of whispering (or instructions) and a slow buildup of guitars. Then a blast of everything all at once. This is an old metal trick that will work every time. Even when you hear the buildup, which kind of tips off what's coming, the onslaught still catches you by surprise. Again, I rarely try to listen to lyrics, so I'm not sure what's going on, but the music doesn't really make me think of funerals. In my experience, funerals are sad, quiet, and straightforward. You know what's happening on the surface at least. While I am sorry for the loss of Dark Funeral, I do have to admit their funeral is exciting. Maybe their song is a representation of what is going on beneath the surface. They do what they can to take the fun out of it. This is the highest rated Dark Funeral song on Spotify. It's good, but I still think "The Birth of The Vampiir" and "The End of Human Race" are better.
5. "Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus" Not sure what this means. Not sure I want to look it up either. Since it's the same title as the album, it's probably an important song, but it doesn't really standout in any way.
6. The sixth song is called "Demons of Five". Makes me think of that show Party of Five. I never watched that show so the comparison stops there. This song starts off with split vocals...a real classic duet between the lead singer and death itself. I think halfway through the song death takes over. Not sure what happens to the lead singer.
7. "Declaration of Hate". I'm spacing out on this album, so it's all starting to blend together. It's a good blend, but nothing is really sticking out on these later tracks. It's cool they add their declaration here, but I think anybody who sees the album cover knows what is going on.
Spotify commercial for The Goddard School. This school is determined to help children exceeding at life or something. Let's move on from positive thinking.......
8. .........aaaaaaaaaaand back to metal. "In My Dreams". I think I had a dream last night about the upcoming jeans day at work. In the dream I had like three pairs of jeans to choose from, and none of them had ripped knees. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and it feels real. Like your three flawless pairs of jeans are just sitting together in a drawer, allowing you to make a decision on what jeans you can wear. A few minutes go by when I realize it was just a dream. I have no idea where any pairs of undestroyed jeans are. The song is kind of boring.
9. "My Latex Queen". This is it. We reached the end. This one starts off with a full assault on the face. If you're interested in getting in shape, try covering this song. They tire out around the three minute mark, before death takes over again with a final message. The song then just kinda fades out for two minutes.
Spotify has 5 live tracks (from Buenos Aires!) included on the album. I didn't listen to them, because live tracks seem kind of hypocritical.
All in all, this is a good death metal album. It doesn't keep up to what it establishes early on, but the front songs are so strong that it would be difficult for anyone to continue the pace.
4 out of 5 decapitated goats
Top tracks:
1. The Birth of The Vampiir
2. The End of Human Race
3. My Funeral
2 Myspace kudos